Friday, February 11, 2011

Teck Deck Games Online

teachers to defend or attack as long - to Mariaserena Peterlin

say that Teachers deserve the criticism is quite different from accepting it remove the estimated fair to all because of some.
I also think (and I will explain in more detail later) that the category of teachers has not done enough to keep the respect for its role in this context that I read and subscribe to the phrase Gianni Marconato : - The fact remains that the principle of authority holds less and less, the role that protects, less and less protection and that its authority, the teacher, if you must get alone with the hard work in the field. -
We could also say that many categories are no longer respected as "one time", eg doctors and engineers, politicians, and mothers of families, clergy and law enforcement agencies, artisans and intellectuals, and we could continue, but even between the relations of the building or users of the subway is no longer the old and spread "good and formal education."
not generalize, but I confirm that the company is to be, and violently changed.
Imagine that the teacher is free from this sort of, please allow me the expression, incanaglimento of social relations is illogical, but certainly not encouraging.
I am in full agreement with Vittoria Patti when he writes - Even the most arrogant and obtuse parents would bother to abuse a teacher that the child assessment, and which therefore speaks in a positive way . And to earn the esteem of the students, we simply estimate them ... - This is also a long time, my basic thesis, and I see that other friends will draw near.
We note that the first general criticisms, generalizing and disqualifying came from those who (MIUR, Fioroni, Gelmini, various officials of the ministry) should, in principle and public duty, follow the category of teachers, encouraging action and updating. Instead, they kept in check and keep disqualified.
While the brave and valiant teacher is able to obtain estimates of its students, it is also true that its current path is strewn with traps (INVALSI tests for example).
Solons From the Ministry of Education and the OECD expects that the Italian students (from second grade) to be uniformly assessed, aligned on the same powers as, or covered by the same social situations. It claims that through the screening of these tests, however, where rote learning ramp, to be able to demonstrate reasoning.
But the real question is: these guys know what it means to "reason" for a child or a teenager? They know what it means time education? They know that kids do not mature, such as watermelons, all at the same time?
We teachers, watch cases and subject to the usual weeds, we know and are aware that the entire apparatus of alleged merit and excellence and alleged testing is unreliable, lives on a reputation undeserved and unfounded and is doing more damage than you can imagine.
It is time that teachers must use their specific cultural and professional tools to begin to say "no sir" instead of "sir" to the managers, officials, educators and media, to the Ministers (Mr excellence / rider as Senator said Rino Gaetano) and many commentators presumptuous.
The category of teachers is or should be that, for competence and professional practice, has the right to comment on the reality of the situation of the young (a topic that many right-thinking and anxiety), and yet you leave rods: why?
Why teachers with ideas they feel isolated or alone?
Because too many of them gave up the helm and let it drift?
Because the conformism of the family-school conflict must triumph?
Under these conditions, and evaluated the context, the school may die collapsing on itself.
start afresh from saying that we are people working in a job that depends less on "the future of the country" (as it is often said to raise rhetorical ends in themselves) what the life of every young citizen and therefore , its ability to be "civil society" tomorrow.

E 'the time to be counted, to summon the qualifying teachers to share content such as knowledge of pedagogical issues, teaching practices and the sense of educational mission.
should say aloud that the school is a place immersed in the everyday social reality, and that this reality is not uniform (although no one seems volersene noticing). Among the countries with the city, between the north and south, between the socio-economic and cultural levels, between different family backgrounds and ethnic between the new Italian there are a thousand nuances that can not be expected to "assess" as if it is cars compared with cars or tomatoes compared to tomatoes.
of these kids assume responsibility in the awareness that every act of a teacher has a weight and a consequence.
We have admitted, there are mediocre or bad teachers who do not merit justification, but if you work in an environment badly wrong is not only to those who, though guilty of wrong, it is first of all managers and therefore can not be attributed to school all the teachers who often feel now in disarray and the "every man for himself"

listen and speak with professors and I hear them hit by a deep unease, I know that some are even scared.
They face threatening or suspicious parents who think only in baby, home, students at all free from subjection to the habit or compliance, and business leaders indifferent to teaching, a minister who does not know the school, pontificating pompous officials announcing teacher assessments of the work without, in turn, taught a day that is one.
INVALSI Back then the example of the evidence, are given with indifferent level (such as the hail of August on the fields or the workshops, the Apennines and the sea, on cars or buildings) and class-divided between Aosta Lampedusa: what we can prove?
not detect useful to highlight the difficulties faced by children for which to plan and calibrate the work of the teacher, but presumed to be able to check if students have "learned" and how much.

Therefore, if a teacher will have too much in class guys who do not learn , you will hear in turn negatively assessed and frustrated because even the account and his personal prestige, and probably the salary and career, will be directly proportional to its failure or success.
So how can the teacher respond?
If it is a good one or a hero (because now we are at it) if they infischierà in the name of its mission and sacrifice saving children, because it is about them that invests his work .
But if not is quite heroic or smart guys sacrifice instead less "gifted" or problems with them, and impute his failure exclude them from school and flunked out.
The lottery of the evaluations is ready, you just need to start a mechanical turn of the handle ... and social damage will be enormous, incalculable.
Italy will always be poorer than that heads right, because no one cares that people think and be critical.
The feeling is therefore, unfortunately, that we are moving a herd of encouraging consumers obedient, non-citizens.
Stop the disaster. Every act may be virtuous a grain that helps to clog this perverse mechanism.
is instead claiming professional identity and specific skills and join the class on the contents of a qualifying fight: Down with the sorrows of such disconcerting "teachers in their underwear" and "the school is dead." Let's stop saying "but in my class. ..." When even the cat knows that the training classes is not the result of the work of luck ...
Enough with the slogans indifferent and victim.
It takes more courage and less dependence on other people's opinion and the media. The school must be alive. Viva school.


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